Full Stack Developer

I like to make things, especially with Javascript Javascript Icon and React React Icon

If you want to see some of my OSS work, check out my GithubGithub Icon

If you want to see my previous website, you can click here. That site is a product of its times -- written with jQuery and Materialize.css (A jQuery based material design framework), it's covered in parallax images and my attempt at humorous "dictionary entries" attempting to define who and what I was. While some of that is still very much me, I decided that my presence on the web required a makeover. I've put out this very plain website in an attempt to force myself to continue development on this site. After all, the show must go on! If you want to read a more detailed write-up about the motivations behind this site, click here.

Click here if you came looking for my blog. I have some tech stuff, but mostly poetry.

Right now I'm working for a cool company, but I'm always interested in hearing about new opportunities. Feel free to get in touch any way you know how:
